催魂频率(台),The Hypnosis,催眠 최면...
地表惊旅地表惊旅 In the Earth2021,地表惊旅 In the Earth...
黑色的房间別去地下室(台),黑色的房间 The Black Room...
黑暗与邪恶The Dark & The Wicked,黑暗与邪恶 The Dark and the Wicked...
黑手Black Hand,幕後黑手(台),黑手 검은손...
海滨别墅海边小屋,海滨别墅 The Beach House...
滑稽滑稽 Clownery2020,滑稽 Clownery...
魔鬼的门廊魔鬼的门廊 The Devil's Doorway2018,魔鬼的门廊 The Devil's Doorway...
旅馆闹鬼旅馆闹鬼 IRUL: Ghost Hotel2021,旅馆闹鬼 IRUL: Ghost Hotel...
林屋惊魂A Night in the Cabin,林屋惊魂 The Cabin...
老鹰旅馆之夜老鹰旅馆之夜 Night at the Eagle Inn2021,老鹰旅馆之夜 Night at the Eagle Inn...
猎人气候猎人气候 Climate of the Hunter2019,猎人气候 Climate of the Hunter...
来玩怪奇默友(港),鬼游戏(台),拉里,Larry,来玩 Come Play...
恐雨I Saw a Man with Yellow Eyes,小雨的恐惧,恐雨 Fear of Rain...
恐惧街恐惧街1:1994,恐惧大街1:1994,Fear Street Part One: 1994,Fear Street Part 1: 1994,恐惧街 Fear Street...
恐惧街3恐惧街3:1666,恐惧大街3:1666,Fear Street Part 3: 1666,恐惧街3 Fear Street 3...
恐惧天使Irul,恐惧天使 ഇരുൾ...
恐怖玩具恐怖玩具 Toys of Terror2020,恐怖玩具 Toys of Terror...
绝命碰撞愤路狂逃(港),Tailgate,夺命公路,绝命碰撞 Bumperkleef...
今夜林中无人入睡断线森林,无眠之森,今天没有人在森林里入睡,Nobody Sleeps in the Woods Tonight,今夜林中无人入睡 W lesie dzis nie zasnie nikt...