The Hollow Ones,噬童魔 The Hollow Child...
丝黛芬妮 Stephanie2017,丝黛芬妮 Stephanie...
恕不原谅 Almost Mercy2015,恕不原谅 Almost Mercy...
睡眠状态,千万别睡着 Don't Sleep...
夭折,夭折双胞胎,死产儿 Still/Born...
死亡故事 Dead Story2017,死亡故事 Dead Story...
逃出食人农场 Escape from Cannibal Farm2017,逃出食人农场 Escape from Cannibal Farm...
恢复,索命APP Recovery...
Alien Psychosis(加拿大),,外星精神病(中国大陆),外星精神病 Alien Psychosis...
头颅游戏 Headgame2017,头颅游戏 Headgame...
夺命潘朵拉(台),死神凶盒(港),许愿 Wish Upon...
童灵怨,邪恶国度 Pernicious...
误入魔爪 Talon Falls2017,误入魔爪 Talon Falls...
Anarchy Parlor,纹身室 Parlor...
韦罗妮卡,日蚀亡灵(港),灵蚀 Verónica...
温彻斯特鬼屋(台),Winchester: The House That Ghosts Built,Winchester Mystery House,The 13th Hour,温彻斯特 Winchester...
猛鬼追魂10/Hellraiser X: Judgement...
玉米地的小孩:大逃亡 Children of the Corn: Runaway2018,玉米地的小孩:大逃亡 Children of the Corn: Runaway...