The Dragon Missile,飞龙斩 飛龍斬...
Five Superfighters,唐山五虎...
火星任务(港),绝地救援(台),火星人,火星救援 The Martian...
The Kid with the Golden Arm,金臂童...
Return of the Eighteen Bronzemen,The 18 Bronzemen - Part 2,Emperor Yung Chin Defeated the Bronze Men,Yung Chin Defeated the Bronze People,Yung Ching Defeated the 18 Bronzemen,少林寺十八铜人第二部,雍正大破铜人阵,雍正大破十八铜人 雍正大破十八銅人...
The 36th Chamber of Shaolin,少林三十六房...
The Shaolin Plot,四大门派 四大門派...
刺客新传之杀人者唐斩,The Assassin,杀人者唐斩...
少林三十六房续集,Return to the 36th Chamber,少林搭棚大师 少林搭棚大師...
人造意识(台),机器夏娃,觉醒前夜,机械姬 Ex Machina...
幽灵空间(台),幽冥 Spectral...
Spiritual Kung Fu,拳精...
The Mighty One,童子功...
The Bells of Death,夺魂铃 奪魂鈴...
The Swordsman in Double Flag Town,双旗镇刀客...
Shaolin Chamber of Death,Shaolin Wooden Men,少林木人巷...
The New One-Armed Swordsman,新独臂刀 新獨臂刀...
Crippled Avengers,残缺 殘缺...
The Master,背叛师门 背叛師門...
House of the Invisibles,One House, One Ghost,一楼一鬼...