英雄赤女2之当今霸主 / Once Upon a Time in Triad Society...
新大小不良欲霸天下 / Bloody Brothers / One Wants to Control the World...
险角Him gok / Sharp Guns...
叶问:终极一战(国语)叶问终极篇之香江岁月 / Ip Man:The Final Fight...
叶问:终极一战(粤语)叶问终极篇之香江岁月 / Ip Man:The Final Fight...
十面埋伏A Punch to Revenge...
冲天小子国语赤子雄风 / The Path of Glory...
新江湖情Godfather Returns / Clan Affairs / Flaming Romance 1925...
新扎师姐2:不安全地带Danger Zone...
新扎师姐3:百分百型警Some Like It Cool...
肝胆相照国语Sworn Brothers...
肝胆相照粤语Sworn Brothers...
旺角风云Mongkok Story...
追日古剑山庄 / A Chinese Legend...
暗鬥Dark War...
大无畏国语光荣任务 / 6 a.m. / 大无谓...
大无畏粤语光荣任务 / 6 a.m. / 大无谓...
边城浪子1993仁者无敌 / 边城浪子之仁者无敌 / A Warrior's Tragedy / Invincible Power of Kindness...
喋血街头Bullet in the Head...