另一个灵魂 Another Soul2018,另一个灵魂 Another Soul...
绑的不是人(台),柳树街鬼屋 From a House on Willow Street...
诡影(台),髓骨,马柔本宅密事,Marrowbone,The Secret of Marrowbone,马柔本宅秘事 El secreto de Marrowbone...
冥界 Nightworld2017,冥界 Nightworld...
31,三十一 31...
德州电锯杀人狂前传,人皮脸 Leatherface...
疯人院(台),疯·魔(港),荒诞,表演者,失心病狂 Unsane...
The Hollow Ones,噬童魔 The Hollow Child...
虐灵者(港),刑弑厉(台),刑罚 The Crucifixion...
夭折,夭折双胞胎,死产儿 Still/Born...
恢复,索命APP Recovery...
Alien Psychosis(加拿大),http://www.renrendianyingwang.cn/,外星精神病(中国大陆),外星精神病 Alien Psychosis...
夺命潘朵拉(台),死神凶盒(港),许愿 Wish Upon...
吸血猎手 Corbin Nash2018,吸血猎手 Corbin Nash...
温彻斯特鬼屋(台),Winchester: The House That Ghosts Built,Winchester Mystery House,The 13th Hour,温彻斯特 Winchester...
血染黄沙 It Stains the Sands Red2016,血染黄沙 It Stains the Sands Red...
捕魔网(台),捕梦魔 Dreamkatcher...
腥欲山庄(台),暴力欲望的房子 The House of Violent Desire...
绑架女模特 A Model Kidnapping2019,绑架女模特 A Model Kidnapping...