15区,亏机僵尸末日,丧尸全城 Range 15...
杀人游戏,杀戮游戏 Kill Game...
他们发现了地狱 They Found Hell2015,他们发现了地狱 They Found Hell...
死亡房间 The Dead Room2015,死亡房间 The Dead Room...
十月建造的房屋 The Houses October Built2014,十月建造的房屋 The Houses October Built...
The Curse of Styria,Angels of Darkness,施蒂利亚州的诅咒 Styria...
The Taking,失魂记忆 The Taking of Deborah Logan...
陷入麻烦的女孩 The Girl Is in Trouble2015,陷入麻烦的女孩 The Girl Is in Trouble...
小夜灯 Nightlight2015,小夜灯 Nightlight...
尸骨无存,血肉森林:从头开始(台),新尸骨无存 Cabin Fever...
新郎着了魔(港),婚礼夜惊狂(台),邪魔 Demon...
走出黑暗 Out of the Dark2014,走出黑暗 Out of the Dark...
绝魂夜(台),最后一班 Last Shift...
杀杀,最后一日 Re-Kill...
比夜更黑 Darker Than Night2018,比夜更黑 Darker Than Night...
梅迪亚万圣节2(台),黑疯婆子的万圣节2 Boo 2! A Madea Halloween...
爱丽丝湖血案 Lake Alice2017,爱丽丝湖血案 Lake Alice...
极限猎杀(台),靶场 Downrange...
Lanthe,暗黑灯塔 Dark Beacon...
Attack of the Lederhosen Zombies,背带短裤丧尸来袭 Angriff der Lederhosen Zombies...