夺命狂呼6(港),Scream!!,Scream 6,惊声尖叫6 Scream VI...
家教噩梦 The Tutor2023,家教噩梦 The Tutor...
闻所未闻 The Unheard2023,闻所未闻 The Unheard...
皇家酒店的悲惨时光,坏事大饭店(台),贼眉贼眼大酒店(港),皇家酒店谋杀案 Bad Times at the El Royale...
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丑闻喋血,神探营救,马洛 Marlowe...
智能杀机,智能房,逃出智能屋,声音控制 Held...
爱人,另一半 Significant Other...
我家有鬼,Ernest,我们有鬼啦 We Have A Ghost...
敲敲门(港/台),拜访小屋 Knock at the Cabin...
无敌猫剑侠2,鞋猫剑客2(台),无敌猫剑侠:8+1条命(港),穿靴子的猫2:九条命和四十大盗,穿靴子的猫:最后的愿望,Puss in Boots 2: Nine Lives & 40 Thieves,穿靴子的猫2 Puss in Boots: The Last Wish...
黑暗金控(台),国际组织,跨国追凶,黑金杀机,跨国银行 The International...
Mercy,恐怖医院(台),尸体解剖 Autopsy...
俄勒冈州人,俄勒冈人 The Oregonian...
H.P. Lovecraft’s The Whisperer in Darkness,H.P.洛夫克拉夫特的黑暗童话,暗夜呢喃 The Whisperer in Darkness...
假死寻凶 Play Dead2022,假死寻凶 Play Dead...
When Strangers Appear,陌路杀机 When Strangers Appear...
不对劲的孩子 There's Something Wrong with the Children2023,不对劲的孩子 There's Something Wrong with the Children...
复兴,复生 Resurrection...
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