Remnants,遗迹 Aftermath...
凶残大水怪,Don’t Let the Riverbeast Get You!,不要让我抓到你! Don't Let the Riverbeast Get You!...
森林惊魂 Savage2009,森林惊魂 Savage...
灵魂的领域 Realm of Souls2013,灵魂的领域 Realm of Souls...
掠夺性本能 Predatory Instinct2011,掠夺性本能 Predatory Instinct...
恶邻诡屋(台),善与恶的房子 House of Good and Evil...
圣殿奇妙夜 Night of the Templar2013,圣殿奇妙夜 Night of the Templar...
太阳的囚徒 Prisoners of the Sun2013,太阳的囚徒 Prisoners of the Sun...
Tattered Hearts,心碎 Torn Hearts...
无尽圣诞老人8000,无数的圣诞老人8000,逆天的圣诞老人 Infinite Santa 8000...
召唤之物 The Summoned2022,召唤之物 The Summoned...
因果效应 A Matter of Causality2021,因果效应 A Matter of Causality...
启示者 Revealer2022,启示者 Revealer...