诊所惊魂 The Clinic2010,诊所惊魂 The Clinic...
醒木 Wake Wood2009,醒木 Wake Wood...
January,遗失记忆 Estranged...
怪兽与女孩 The Monster and the Girl1941,怪兽与女孩 The Monster and the Girl...
神秘电话 When a Stranger Calls Back1993,神秘电话 When a Stranger Calls Back...
Wicked.Witches,邪灵女巫 The Witches of Dumpling Farm...
俄勒冈州人,俄勒冈人 The Oregonian...
Doctor Sleep,Hypnotic,催眠大师,阖上你的双眼,闭上你的双眼 Close Your Eyes...
鲨人蟾儿,迷幻解码,迷声幻音怪事多,解码器 Decoder...
芳邻疑案 Past Tense1994,芳邻疑案 Past Tense...
深洞 Deep Dark2015,深洞 Deep Dark...
長相屍手(港),至死不渝 Till Death...
脱离 Leave2022,脱离 Leave...
美国梦魇 Combat Shock1984,美国梦魇 Combat Shock...
家有恶母,家庭恶魔 Family Demons...
雪降,极冻邪恶 Snow Falls...
假死寻凶 Play Dead2022,假死寻凶 Play Dead...
恐惧开始 Bring Out the Fear2021,恐惧开始 Bring Out the Fear...
不对劲的孩子 There's Something Wrong with the Children2023,不对劲的孩子 There's Something Wrong with the Children...