皇家师姐之III雌雄大盜 / 皇家警察任务系列之3雌雄大盗 / Yes Madam 2 / Force of the Dragon / In the Line of Duty III / In the Line of Duty - Part 3...
The Sword of Many Loves...
黑道日子 / Close Escape...
黑道日子 / Close Escape...
五福星系列Ⅱ:福星高照 / My Lucky Stars / Fuk sing go jiu...
贼美人 / The Good, The Bad & The Beauty / The Heist...
Men from the Gutter...
The Master...
Hit team...
新濠江风云 / 至尊雀圣 / A Matter of Time...
Ransom Express / Ransom Run...
青年干探 / 2004新扎师兄 / 新扎师兄之青年干探 / Moving Targets...
Asian Connection...
Five Superfighters...
Warriors Two...
笑拳(日) / The Fearless Hyena...
Dragon's Claw / 蠄蟝散手...
Dragon's Claw / 蠄蟝散手...
Fists of Glory / The Big Boss...