谜宫(台),进入迷宫,Into the Labyrinth,迷宫中的人 L'uomo del labirinto...
裸爱(台),隐秘女人心,未知的女人,未知,The Unknown,The Unknown Woman,隐秘 La sconosciuta...
谁杀了雅拉 Yara2021,谁杀了雅拉 Yara...
秘室逃脱 Weekend2020,秘室逃脱 Weekend...
危城行動(台),零和一 Zeros and Ones...
Diabólica malicia,Child of the Night,Der Zeuge hinter der Wand,Diabolisch,Night Child,Night Hair Child,Tua presenza nuda, La,What the Peeper Saw,大战小色狼(kevin译名),夜童 La tua presenza nuda!...
一个经典的恐怖故事 A Classic Horror Story2021,一个经典的恐怖故事 A Classic Horror Story...
地堡游戏 The Bunker Game2022,地堡游戏 The Bunker Game...
Crimen perfecto,Ein ferpektes Verbrechen - Crimen ferpecto,El Crimen Perfecto (The Perfect Crime),Ena shedon teleio eglima,Ferpect Crime,Ferpektni zlocin,Le crime farpait,Muhtesem suç,Perfect Crime,Zbrodnia ferpekcyjna,完美罪行,完美犯罪 Crimen Ferpecto...
美版阴风阵阵,窒息(台),阴风阵阵 Suspiria...
冒险生涯,Consider All Risks,The Big Risk,The big Risk - Volles Risiko,Asfalto che scotta,冒一切风险的阶级 Classe tous risques...
Diabolik,危险:德伯力克 Danger: Diabolik...
贼兄弟(港),Farewell, Friend,Honor Among Thieves,朋友再见 Adieu l'ami...
九尾猫,盲侠智多星(港),Gatto a nove code, Il,The Cat O’ Nine Tails,九尾怪猫 Il gatto a nove code...
你完蛋了,下载即死亡 You Die - Get the app, then die...
大冤狱(台),深冤,The Confession,大迫供 L'aveu...
Requiem Per Un Agente Segreto,谍海飞龙 Requiem for a Secret Agent...
水晶鸟,Bird with the Glass Feathers,The Bird with the Crystal Plumage,摧花手 L'uccello dalle piume di cristallo...
铁路敢死队,火车,Le train,战斗列车 The Train...
春光乍泄(港),春光乍现(台),Blow Up,放大 Blow-Up...