五鬼拍门五之终极魔障,鬼追人5 Phantasm: Ravager...
降灵曲(台),黑暗之歌 A Dark Song...
恐慌运动,恐吓运动 Scare Campaign...
英伦谜杀(台),英伦迷案,莱姆豪斯的杀人魔 The Limehouse Golem...
绑的不是人(台),柳树街鬼屋 From a House on Willow Street...
魔灵之子,恐怖魔笛 Magi...
双生姊魅(台),让她走 Let Her Out...
31,三十一 31...
恢复,索命APP Recovery...
血染黄沙 It Stains the Sands Red2016,血染黄沙 It Stains the Sands Red...
捕获,抓住 Caught...
验尸官(台),无名尸诅咒(港),尸检无名女尸,无名女尸 The Autopsy of Jane Doe...
恐惧虚空(台),虚空,虚空异界 The Void...
丧尸手机(港),致命电话,科技浩劫,手机,夺命来电 Cell...
鬼撕眠(台),在我醒来之前,Somnia,梦醒之前 Before I Wake...
诡屋惊凶实录2(港),厉阴宅2(台),招魂2:恩菲尔德吵闹鬼,The Conjuring 2: The Enfield Poltergeist,招魂2 The Conjuring 2...
禁室杀戮(港),暂时停止呼吸(台),别呼吸,空房噤地,A Man in the Dark,屏住呼吸 Don't Breathe...