航班666,666号航班 Flight 666...
它在黑夜到访(台),黑夜造访 It Comes at Night...
家庭血液 Family Blood2018,家庭血液 Family Blood...
杰罗德游戏 Gerald's Game2017,杰罗德游戏 Gerald's Game...
欢迎来到猎杀小镇(台),快乐猎杀 Happy Hunting...
The Maus,灵殇 Maus...
另一个灵魂 Another Soul2018,另一个灵魂 Another Soul...
冥界 Nightworld2017,冥界 Nightworld...
只杀陌生人(港/台),The Strangers 2,陌生人2 The Strangers: Prey at Night...
她们的颤慄故事(台),女劫 XX...
31,三十一 31...
丧尸出笼:血统,丧尸出笼:血脉 Day of the Dead: Bloodline...
德州电锯杀人狂前传,人皮脸 Leatherface...
无限鬼屋挑战(台),十月建造的房屋2 The Houses October Built 2...
丝黛芬妮 Stephanie2017,丝黛芬妮 Stephanie...
恕不原谅 Almost Mercy2015,恕不原谅 Almost Mercy...
睡眠状态,千万别睡着 Don't Sleep...
死亡故事 Dead Story2017,死亡故事 Dead Story...
恢复,索命APP Recovery...