疯人院(台),疯·魔(港),荒诞,表演者,失心病狂 Unsane...
它(台),It: Chapter One,小丑回魂 It...
化学感应,化学心脏 Chemical Hearts...
爱尔兰杀手(港),听说你刷房子了,I Heard You Paint Houses,爱尔兰人 The Irishman...
一年中的生活,Year in a Life,一年生活 Life in a Year...
我们夜晚的灵魂,晚风如诉,夜晚的灵魂 Our Souls at Night...
瘀伤,逆转擂台,伤痕累累 Bruised...
闪灵杀手,天生杀手,天生杀人狂 Natural Born Killers...
佐伊和麦克斯 Zoey to the Max2013,佐伊和麦克斯 Zoey to the Max...
沙漠女皇,沙漠女王 Queen of the Desert...
愤怒的公牛2,Raging Bull II,The Bronx Bull...
孤独但并不孤独 Alone Yet Not Alone2013,孤独但并不孤独 Alone Yet Not Alone...
人生决胜球(港/台),曲线难题 Trouble with the Curve...
我们之间 Between Us2012,我们之间 Between Us...
Захар Беркут,Zahar Berkut,上升的鹰,驯鹰者的崛起 The Rising Hawk...
野蛮真相(台),等待野蛮人 Waiting for the Barbarians...
Low Country,付之成灰 Into the Ashes...