Love cruise / Chasing Girls 2: Ambition of Paparazzi...
Always On My Mind...
Adventure of The King...
Family Day...
Simlpy Actors...
The Fantastic Water Babes...
The Fantastic Water Babes...
Love Me, Love My Money...
Two Shaolin Kids in Hong Kong...
Sumbling Cops / Fumbling Cops...
Three Stooges Go Undercover...
Afraid of Nothing: The Jobless King / Unemployed Emperor...
The Trouble-Makers...
The Trouble-Makers...
来去少林 / I‘ll Never Let You Off...
横扫天下(台) / The Raid...
My Name Is Nobody...
狂赌一族出头天 / Beginner's Luck...
Naughty Couple...
Everyday is Valentine...